To provide maximum convenience for all players, the following rules and regulations will be enforced. It shall be the responsibility of all Members to abide by these rules and to report any violation thereof to the Golf Committee and/or the Grounds and Greens Committee.
- Use of automatic golf carts.
- Automatic carts shall be restricted to those electric golf carts manufactured specifically for golf course use. No more than two persons shall ride in a cart at any time. Children accompanied by a parent or grandparent must be seated on golf carts.
- Carts may not be used when the Golf Pros determine conditions are unsuitable.
- All Members are expected to observe directional signs and markers concerning carts. Carts are required to run on the prepared cart paths where such paths are available. Carts must not be driven on banks, tees, within thirty feet of any green, into any hazard or bunker. Any infraction of the rules for carts or incidence of improper or dangerous operation of car should be presented in writing to the Golf Professional, Golf Committee Chairman, or Grounds Committee Chairman for referral to the Board of Directors.
- Owners of private carts shall be required to carry adequate Public Liability and Proper Damage insurance. A certificate of insurance must be filed with the club business office each season before Member owned carts may be used on the Club Properties.
- All private cart owners will be charged an annual fee per cart, regardless of where the cart is stored.
- There shall be no use of privately owned carts by anyone other than a Member of the owner's family.
- The Board of Directors reserves the right to revoke the privileges of cart use for anyone who violates these rules.
- Non-members of The Club may be introduced as guests and permitted the privileges of the golf course no more than three times in any calendar year, unless approved in advance by the Board of Directors. The Club By-Laws provide an exception to the rule for a Member's temporary house guest(s).
- The privileges of the golf course shall not, without prior approval of the Board of Directors, be extended to any persons not properly sponsored. Groups of more than three guests with one Member, organizations, or association must first be approved the the Board of Directors or by the Golf Professional (applying Board Guidelines), before using the privileges of the golf course. See #5 below.
- The golf course is available to Members and their guests for play as set forth in the "schedule of play for members".
- Nonmembers playing on the golf course will be recognized within one of the definitions listed:
- Escorted: A guest golfer (to a maximum of three) playing in the company of a Pottawattomie Member in good standing, or a guest golfer participating in a Member-sponsored golfing event which achieves a 1 Member per foursome ratio of players. Fees from Escorted Guests must be billed to that Member's account. Cash will not be accepted.
- Sponsored: A guest golfer playing with the prior knowledge and consent of his/her Pottawattomie Member-sponsor, participant in a Member-sponsored golfing event. The Pottawattomie Member must have direct involvement with the arrangements surrounding his/hers guests' play, and is responsible for that guest's conduct. Green fees and cart fees must be billed to the Member-sponsor's account. The sponsored guest must ride in a golf cart.
- Unescorted: A guest golfer playing upon proper identification and approval of the Golf Professional; such guest must be a bona fide Member of a private country club which allows reciprocity with Pottawattomie Members. The unescorted guest must ride in a golf cart.
- No person shall tee-off from any tee other the #1 tee when beginning a round of golf except as approved or so directed by the Golf Professional for that round.
- Children less than thirteen years of age are not permitted on the golf course unless accompanied by a parent or an adult or by approval of the golf professional except during Junior lessons.
- All golfers (including Members and guests) must register in the Golf Shop before starting play on the course. The Golf Professional shall have the right to govern tee-off times, set and control order of tee-off, to control groupings of players, and use his best judgement to accommodate within Club rules, as much play as possible while maintaining proper priority for Club sanctioned matches and tournaments.
- U.S.G.A. rules shall govern the play of golf.
- Proper golf etiquette and courtesy shall be observed at all times, which includes replacing all divots, repairing all ball marks on greens, raking all footprints in sandtraps, and yielding to faster play.
- Golf practicing is restricted to practice areas:
- Chipping onto and putting on the practice green only.
- Other practicing limited to the practice range area as directed and approved by the Golf Professional.
- All Club sanctioned matches and tournaments have the right of way.
- All golfers, male and female, shall wear appropriate attire while playing or practicing golf. Male golfers must wear sleeved shirt with a collar at all times.
- Except for events approved by the Board of Directors, no play is allowed on Monday morning until 11:45 as to allow efficient and proper mowing, maintenance, and conditioning of the golf course.
- The Calcutta and Men's Club Championship tournaments are restricted to participation by male dues paying Members, in good standing, of the types: Regular, Senior, and Nonresident.
- During the handicapping period maintained each season by the Golf Professional, scores for all rounds of golf, played by person, for which handicaps are maintained through The Club, must be properly adjusted and posted the same day such round of golf was played. It is the responsibility of each player to make sure such score is posted timely and correctly. In the case where such round was played at a course other than The Club, such score is to be adjusted and posted as soon as possible.
Please remember! Your cooperation is necessary, required, and appreciated.
We’re happy to answer any questions about Membership! Please call us or send an email!
Matt Wooldridge
General Manager
Laurie Rhed
Business Office Info
Open Monday-Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm